Pastoral Care


Pastoral Care in our parish, amongst other things, tries to maintain a link between our housebound or sick members and the day to day life of the church. We are a small group who will make home visits if people wish. We also go into Nursing and Care Homes and sometimes make hospital visits, if appropriate. Sometimes it is more helpful to telephone people for a chat.

Cards are sent on special occasions and all our parishioners aged 90 or over receive birthday cards. We assist our clergy in taking communion to some of the care homes and in taking communion to people in their own homes when required. Transport can be arranged for people wishing to come to St Martin’s or St Paul’s church on a Sunday. Occasionally we can help with transport to Hospital appointments.


We do rely on friends and family, or the person themselves, letting us know if a visit from a member of the team would be helpful.

We are also involved jointly with many churches in Canterbury to support – Catching Lives the homeless charity based in the City.