Mother’s Union

The Mothers’ Union is a global Christian movement working with people of all faiths and none to developm communities, strengthen families and advocate for change. It is active in 83 countries and it’s members work tirelessly to serve their communities to build a future where everyone thrives.
It aims to end violence, end poverty and end injustice. It is a truly worldwide Christian movement.
Members are not all mothers, or even all women. Single, married, parents, grandparents, or young adults are all welcome.

At St. Martin’s & St. Paul’s we have a large and active branch. We meet regularly and have a monthly corporate Communion service on a Saturday Morning.
Our meetings are open to all who are interested in our aims. They are mostly held on the first Wednesday of the month, and for more information please look in the Parish Magazine.
In addition we run a Toddler group – Fisherfolk, which meets in the Parish Centre on Wednesdays and Fridays 10-11:30am during term time.
We take an active part in local and countywide events. You will be very welcome to join us!