Friends of St Martins

The Friends of St Martin’s was founded in 1966 to express the unity of all Christians and to enable visitors to keep in touch with St Martin’s. We pray for Friends every Thursday at 12 noon at St Martin’s Church.
Friends gather in May to celebrate St Augustine’s Day, and in November to celebrate Martinmas.
Friends from countries across the world contribute by keeping in touch, by praying, and by giving.
What it costs: £10 per annum; or £50 life membership.
The purpose of the Friends is to make and maintain links with people beyond the parish, enabling visitors and potential visitors to enjoy and keep in touch with St Martin’s, and expressing the unity of all Christians.
For local Friends, this includes the following practical activities (among others):
- keeping the church open for visiting as much as possible
- providing interpretation materials for visitors, both at the church and on the website
- welcoming visiting groups and providing guides for them
- publicising both the spiritual and the historical significance of St Martin’s
- praying regularly for Friends and for the unity of Christians (Thursdays at noon)
- participating in the Canterbury World Heritage site committee
- circulating a regular newsletter
- contributing to the costs of the above activities and of maintaining St Martin’s.
How to join:
Print out the form below, fill it in, and send it with the fee to the Secretary, Mrs Sylvia Gower at Parish Office, Church St. (St Paul’s) Canterbury CT1 1NH. Email: